UET United Electronic Technology AG releases consolidated financial report for first half of fiscal year 2016

Consolidated revenues of 33.617 mn EUR  EBITDA for the group positive with +0.233 mn EUR  EBIT for the UET Group is -0.965 mn EUR Operating cash flow amounted to +1.368 mn EUR   Today, UET United Electronic Technology AG (ISIN: DE000A0LBKW6), Eschborn, provides their consolidated financial figures for the first half of the fiscal year from January 1st to June 30th 2016. In the first half of the fiscal year 2016, UET generated consolidated revenues of 33.617 mn EUR. This represents…

UET United Electronic Technology AG releases financial figures for operating business for the second quarter 2016

Consolidated revenues amounted to 16.065 mn EUR Decrease in turnover of -1.218 mn EUR or -7 % respectively Intensifying realignment in the business area SYSTEMS  MANUFACTURING and SERVICE with improved contribution to earnings    UET United Electronic Technology AG (ISIN: DE000A0LBKW6), Eschborn, releases selected financial figures for the operating business units SYSTEMS, MANUFACTURING and SERVICE for the second quarter of…

UET United Electronic Technology AG releases financial figures for operating business for the first quarter 2016

Consolidated revenues amounted to 17.679 mn EUR  Revenue growth of 2.206 mn EUR or +14% respectively Business areas SYSTEMS and MANUFACTURING with positive EBITDA Improved results in the area SERVICE   UET United Electronic Technology AG (ISIN: DE000A0LBKW6), Eschborn, releases selected financial figures for the operating business units SYSTEMS, MANUFACTURING and SERVICE for the first quarter of 2016, from January 1st 2016 to March 31st 2016. In the period from January to March of the…