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Hallo! Tagsüber arbeite ich als Fahrradkurier, nachts bin ich ein aufstrebender Schauspieler und dies hier ist meine Website. Ich lebe in Berlin, habe einen großen Hund namens Jack, mag Piña Coladas, jedoch weniger (ohne Schirm) im Regen stehen gelassen zu werden.

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Unsere Firma XYZ wurde 1971 gegründet und hat seither eine Menge hochqualitativen ABC für die Öffentlichkeit produziert. Ansässig in Gotham City, hat XYZ mittlerweile über 2.000 Mitarbeiter und entwickelt immer wieder großartige Dinge für die ganze Gotham-Gemeinschaft.

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aconnic AG (formerly UET AG) with strong revenue growth in Q4 2023 and full year 2023

Consolidated revenue grows by 48% to 72.7 mn EUR Preliminary operating earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) increased to 5.9 mn EUR Order backlog amounts to 32.6 mn EUR aconnic AG (ISIN: DE000A0LBKW6), based in Munich, continues its growth in the fourth quarter of 2023. With high demand in systems, software and services for the…

UET United Electronic Technology AG (aconnic) invites to an investor online conference

UET United Electronic Technology AG (aconnic) (ISIN: DE000A0LBKW6), Eschborn, invites shareholders and investors to a video conference on Friday, December 15, 2023, at 11:00 a.m. The investor event focuses on the current market and business development related to the installation and roll-out of telecommunications networks as well as on targets and plans for the new…

UET United Electronic Technology AG (aconnic) continues profitable growth in the third quarter of 2023

Total sales for the first nine months 52.4 mn EUR with growth in the 3rd quarter and first nine months 2023 Increase in EBIT by 6.8 mn EUR to 4.5 mn EUR for the first nine months 2023 Order backlog amounts to 43.1 mn EUR Sales and earnings targets for the 2023 financial year confirmed…

UET United Electronic Technology AG (aconnic) partners with CMC Networks to bring NFV and NaaS to Service Providers in Africa and the Middle East

The CMC Fusion™ NaaS platform will integrate aconnic’s uSphir OS & NFV platform to accelerate service deployments for service providers in these regions. UET United Electronic Technology AG (aconnic) (ISIN: DE000A0LBKW6), Eschborn, has partnered with CMC Networks to bring network function virtualization (NFV) to service providers across Africa and the Middle East. CMC Networks is…

UET United Electronic Technology AG launches new business area for sustainability and takes over plantation in Africa

UET United Electronic Technology AG (ISIN: DE000A0LBKW6), Eschborn, is opening a new business area for capturing and storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) and production of biological energy sources and takes over the majority in a plantation for sustainable forestry. For this purpose the UET is aquiring a 51% stake in the African Plantation for Sustainable…

UET United Electronic Technology AG changes its name to aconnic and relocates its headquarters to Munich

UET United Electronic Technology AG (ISIN: DE000A0LBKW6), Eschborn, continues the integration and cooperation of the existing brands and companies and integrates the existing business units into the newly developed aconnic brand. Under the new name aconnic, the group will operate in the future under one brand and enable more synergies in the market and with…

UET United Electronic Technology AG publishes the report for the first half-year 2023

UET United Electronic Technology AG (ISIN: DE000A0LBKW6), Eschborn, today publishes the report for the first half of 2023 on the figures for the first half of 2023 already announced on September 7, 2023. The UET Group increased revenues and profit in the first half of 2023. Revenues increased by 70% to 34.350 million EUR in…

UET United Electronic Technology AG issues convertible bond in the amount of two million euros

UET United Electronic Technology AG (ISIN: DE000A0LBKW6), Eschborn, issues a convertible bond in the amount of 2 million EUR. The convertible bond has a fixed term of 3 years and grants the right for a conversion into into equity by issuing new shares. In the event of full repayment, interest and principal become due at…

UET United Electronic Technology AG continues profitable growth in first half year 2023

Sales growth in the first half 2023 of 70% to 34.4 million EUR EBIT positive at 3.6 million EUR that is 5.4 million EUR higher than in the same period 2022 Order backlog of 57.7 million EUR at its highest level since 2010 Double-digit growth expected for full fiscal year 2023   UET United Electronic…

UET United Electronic Technology AG successfully closes funding

UET United Electronic Technology AG (ISIN: DE000A0LBKW6), Eschborn, has successfully closed the announced financing round. A debt capital line of 23 mn EUR was agreed with private investors. The term of the financing is two years. Early partial or full repayment is possible. The financing now agreed will refinance existing debt capital and further increase…